Do you know of the company Monsanto or what the term GMO means? The majority of people living in the United States have no clue. This is dangerous because it gives power to a group of people who are slowly killing our natural organisms and replacing them with fake engineered organisms which, upon consumption, can cause cancer and other deadly diseases.
Please watch this Youtube video about GMO's. This is something of which every humane being should be aware.
Monsanto is especially dangerous because they have patented their Genetically Modified seeds. Do you understand what this means??? They have patented a living organism, something that should not be controlled. This patent gives them the right to sue anyone who is using the product without compensating their company. In other words, Monsanto secretly sends their employees to small family farms which neighbor the farms using their seeds in order to find GM plants growing, un-known to the small farmer, on his land and then sue him for everything. Between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto admits to filing 144 lawsuits against America’s family farmers, while settling another 700 out of court for undisclosed amounts.
What is their motive? Killing off any natural organisms so the only seeds left are GMO's and Monsanto is the only company where you can buy your seeds.
Tomorrow is special because, for the first time, family farmers will take part in a court case filed to protect farmers from genetic trespass by Monsanto’s GMO seed, which contaminates organic and non-GMO farmer’s crops and opens them up to abusive lawsuits. In the past two decades, Monsanto’s seed monopoly has grown so powerful that they control the genetics of nearly 90% of five major commodity crops including corn, soybeans, cotton, canola and sugar beets.
Please honor this week by educating yourself about the dangers of GMO's and start fighting back for your right to natural food.
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